Welcome to Tadpoles Class.
We are so excited to welcome your children to Tadpoles, our nursery provision for 3-4 year olds. This webpage will be where you can find out what we are doing this term, important dates and pictures of our time here.
My name is Tasha Evans and I am the Tadpoles Teacher and Nursery Lead. I work alongside qualified Early-Years Practitioners: Vicky Tullett, Angela Ridley, Claire Drake, Karen Russell and Sharen Li.
We are a very experienced team and are here to support you and your child through their nursery journey. Starting nursery can be a daunting experience, especially if your child has never left you, however, we are here to help settle your child in as smoothly as possible.
Tadpoles class offers three different sessions:
Am - 8:30-11:30
Pm - 12:15-3:15
All day - 8:30-3:15
If you wish to choose an all-day session you will need to check if you are eligible for the 30 hours funding on the following link:
Dates for your diary.
Friday 13th September: Preloved uniform sale
Friday 27th September: Macmillan cake sale
Friday 25th October: Last day of Term 1
Monday 4th November: Inset Day- School closed
Tuesday 5th November: First day of Term 2
Term 1
This term our topic is 'All About Us' and our big question is; Are we all the same? This lovely getting-to-know-you topic fits perfectly with making new friends, building relationships, and finding out about each other.
We will also explore our emotions and feelings using the 'Colour Monster' to help us identify the different feelings we have.