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Willowcroft Community School

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Year 1 - Hedgehog Class


Welcome to the fun and exciting world of Year 1, where we take all the wonderful skills that the children have learnt in Early Years Foundation Stage and develop them as they start to experience the National Curriculum. We make learning as fun as possible, using a range of different teaching styles to make sure that all children are able to access new concepts and succeed in their learning. Year 1 promotes independence, responsibility and hard work - as well as lots of fun!!! Our aim is for the children to deepen their knowledge and understanding in a relaxed, exciting and engaging environment where we set them up to become enthusiastic, lifelong learners.


Year 1 is made up of two classes - Hedgehogs and Squirrels. 

The Hedgehog class teacher is Miss Paynter. Our teaching assistant is Mrs Hart and we are also taught by Mrs Kiss who leads PPA sessions.



The communication between yourselves as parents and myself as a teacher is paramount, so I thought it would be helpful if you knew when and how to liaise with me. It is best to email any messages via the school office. Class Dojo can also be used for messaging me. Please allow 48 hours for me to reply to emails. If you feel that you need to speak with me in person, please email to arrange an appointment.

For all urgent messages or enquiries please call the school office on 01235 813304.

Important information:

P.E. - Every Monday. Please wear full and correct P.E. kits.

Forest School - Every Thursday (Term 2 and 4) 

Book bags - Ensure that these are brought to school every day.

Reading records - These are checked weekly, please record any reading at home in your child's reading record.

School dinners - Ensure that these are booked in advance on School Grid.

What we are learning:

What Makes Our World So Wonderful?

Term 6:

Term 5: Will it grow?

Our Topic for term 5 is  ‘Will it grow?’.

This topic will run throughout our English lessons with a focus on Jack and the Beanstalk. We will also be learning about plants as part of our science lessons, focusing on plants that we find in our local environment, the structure of plants and identifying common trees. 

English - Recounts, retelling, information text and diary entries.

Maths - Multiplication and division, fractions and position and direction in geometry.

Science - Plants


Term 4: Whose paw is it?

Our Topic for term 4 is  ‘Whose paw is it?’.

This topic will run throughout our English lessons with a focus on The Tiger Who Came to Tea. We will also be talking about animals, their habitats, how we can group them and how we can care for them. We plan to go on an exciting educational visit to Cotswold Wildlife Park so that we can experience caring for wild animals and learn about the classification of animals from wildlife experts.

English - Recounts, retelling, information text and diary entries.

Maths - Addition and subtraction (within 20), place value (within 50), length and height and mass and volume.

Science - Seasonal changes and our topic 'Animals and their habitats'.

Key Dates for Term 4:

Monday 26th Feb- Class photographs

Wednesday 6th March - Mothers Day PTA shopping

Wednesday 13th and Thursday 14th March - Parents Evening

Thursday 21st March - Easter Disco

Wednesday 27th March - Year 1 Cotswold Wildlife Park trip

Thursday 28th March - End of term

Photos from Term 4 so far:

Term 4 so far in Hedgehog class:

What we are learning in Term 3
