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School Logo

Willowcroft Community School

Tomorrow's success starts today

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Contact Details


Rabbits Class

Teacher - Miss Jade Bollam

Teaching Assistant - Miss Alex Brewerton

Teaching Assistant - Mrs Calli Hart 


The over-arching question for Year 3 is:


How have human lives changed and developed over time?





Parent information:


Here is all the information that you will need to know for the upcoming term but if there is anything that you need clarification on, please come and speak to us:


Dates to remember:

  • 4th September - Term 1 begins
  • 12th September - Meet the Teacher 
  • 20th September - Rockstar day 
  • Thursday 24th October - Halloween Disco 
  • Friday 25th October - Non Uniform Day 
  • Friday 25th October -  Term ends at 3pm 
  • Tuesday 5th November - Term starts 
  • Wednesday 20th November and Thursday 21st November - Parents Evening
  • Friday 29th November  - Christmas Fair 
  • Tuesday 3rd December - Pantomime Trip 
  • Friday 20th December - Break up for Christmas at 1pm finish 

Daily life:

  • School gates open at 8.30am
  • School finishes at 3.10pm
  • KS2 Gold Book Assembly is on a Tuesday at 2.30pm.


PE is on a Tuesday (this may be outside so please ensure children are wearing the appropriate clothes for the weather).

If there are any changes to the PE timetable, I will inform parents on Class Dojo.



In Year 3 we learn to play the recorder! We have lessons each week with Mrs Robertson from Oxfordshire County Music Service.



Reading - Children need to read 5 times a week and record this in their reading record books.


Spelling - children are given 8 words to practice each week. These words come from the statutory words for Year 3 as well as topic-related words and common exception words. There is a spelling test each Friday.


TTRS and SumDog - Children are encouraged to log onto these maths sites each week.






