School Uniform
Uniform is compulsory and all children must have the following:
Blue School sweatshirt or cardigan
White shirt or polo shirt
Grey/Black skirt or trousers
Black shoes, grey/white plain socks or tights
Blue school sweatshirt
White shirt or polo shirt
Grey/Black trousers
Black shoes grey socks
In summer
Blue and white checked dress
White ankle socks
Short or long grey trousers or shorts
White short-sleeved shirt/polo shirt
Branded school sweatshirts and cardigans are available from Trutex on Cockcroft Road. The school branded hoodie is available twice a year from The School Leavers Company. More information, dates and times of the online shop are posted on Class Dojo. Plain navy blue cardigans and sweatshirts can also be purchased from local supermarkets. If you would like to brand uniform, iron on badges are available from the School Office and can be purchased through ParentPay.
We also have a second hand uniform shop run by the PTA through a company called Uniformerly. Please see or contact the PTA if you need further assistance.
Please note: No extremes of hair colour or hairstyle are permitted in school and no makeup or nail varnish to be worn in school.
PE Kit
For PE and games, all children should have in school a named PE bag
trainers or plimsolls
Branded house colour T-shirt available from Trutex on Cockcroft Road. Plain team coloured T-shirts can also be purchased from local supermarkets.
Black or navy blue shorts.
Forest School Kit
Throughout the year pupils spend time outdoors at our various Forest School sites and these areas can be wet and muddy. The school provides waterproofs but all pupils need to bring warm clothing and wellington boots for Forest School visits.
Swimming Kit
- Girls – Swimming costume (no bikinis)
- Boys – Swimming trunks or shorts (no long shorts)
- Swim caps must be worn in the pool (available for purchase on ParentPay for £1.50 and should be collected from the school office)
- Towel
- Waterproof bag
* Goggles can also be worn but we need a letter or note from parents giving their consent for the goggles to be worn.