Our over arching question focus for the year is...
Can Something Be Good And Bad At The Same Time?
Badgers Class
Teacher - Miss Lois MacDonald (Miss Mac)
Teaching Assistant - Miss Paige Mace
Meet the teacher
Term 3 - Curriculum Snapshot

Welcome to Badgers class!
We are very excited to be starting another school year and getting to share it with the brilliant Badgers. We are looking forward to seeing what this school year brings and working with our new class. If there is anything you would like to talk about or need to ask a question, our door is always open.
Here is to a fantastic school year.
Miss Mac and Miss Mace
Term 2
This term we will be continuing our learning about the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings. We will become a group of Vikings who create a village to settle in. All of the children will make their own character with a job role in our village. The children will meet a fierce Viking called, 'Ivar The Boneless' (Mrs Alder in role!). They will be asked if they would like to sail across the North Sea to Angle-Land with him. The children will evaluate the pros and cons of this and then make their decision. The children will then meet Ivar by his boat and will learn that he is very picky with what characters he wants! The children will role play sailing across the choppy sea! Once they arrive in Angle-land, they will notice the similarities and differences in the two areas. They will come into contact with the Anglo-Saxons. Will they welcome them? Or will they be met with resistance?
The children will spend the rest of the term learning about how the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings lived together and their different ways of life.
Hill End 2024
Round up of T1 % T2
Here is all the important information that you need to know for the upcoming term but if there is anything you need clarification on, please come and speak to us.
- School gates open at 8:30
- School finishes at 3:10pm
- KS2 Gold Book Assembly is on a Tuesday
- Homework is handed out on a Friday and is due back the following Friday
- Homework consists of:
- Reading (which should be done daily)
- Spelling practice of their weekly spelling words (given out in class)
- 15 minutes of TTRS that is set weekly and is scheduled on TTRS to appear at 3:10pm every Friday and will be available until the following Friday at 8am.
- Children are expected to complete 15 minutes of TTRS a week. We always have sheets available for those that are unable to access TTRS online.
- Homework consists of:
- PE is on a Thursday. Please make sure to send the children into school wearing their PE kits. This term, we will mainly be completing our PE in the hall but make sure they have suitable clothing for outdoor breaks on our PE day.
- Wednesday 11th September- Meet the Teacher (after school)
- Friday 20th September - TTRS day
- Thursday 24th October - Halloween Disco
- Friday 25th October - Non-uniform Day
- Tuesday 5th November- Nasal Flu Spray
- Tuesday 12th November - Odd Socks Day
- Wednesday 20th November - Parents Evening (online)
- Thursday 21st November - Parents Evening (in person)
- Friday 29th November - Christmas Jumper Day
- Friday 29th November - Christmas Fair
- Tuesday 3rd December - Pantomime Trip
- Tuesday 10th December - Trip to Aureus to see production of 'High School Musical'
- Thursday 12th December - Viking and Anglo-Saxon trip to Hill End (Letters will be sent home with details and permission slips).
- Friday 20th December - Break up for Christmas (1pm Finish).
Our swimming sessions begin on Tuesday 3rd June 2025 and will be every Tuesday until 8th July 2025
· Girls – Swimming costume (no bikinis)
· Boys – Swimming trunks or shorts (no long shorts)
· Swim cap (available for purchase from the school office for £1)
· Towel
· Waterproof bag
Please ensure all swimming kit is marked with your child’s name.
Multiplication Check
In the Summer Term, the children in Year 4 will complete the Multiplication Check. This check is an online test where the pupils are asked 25 questions on the times tables up to 12 x 12. For each question, the children are given 6 seconds to answer. We are very proud of the progress the children have made with their times tables so far and are keen to continue to support them to learn all of their times tables before the Summer Term. We have linked some websites below that the children can go on at home to help them practice their fluency in times tables.