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Willowcroft Community School

Tomorrow's success starts today

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Badgers Class


Teacher - Mrs Carey

Teaching Assistant - Miss Mace


Our over arching question for the year is...


Can Something Be Good And Bad At The Same Time?


What we are learning in Term 6

What makes a good leader?


We will continue our Egyptian adventures in Term 6. The children will step into the shoes of the famous archaeologist, Howard Carter and will be given the task of solving a great Egyptian mystery. How will they identify the unnamed mummy? How will this lead them to explore the qualities of good leadership both in past times and present day? We can’t wait to see how the children take on the role of historians and journalists to solve and report the mystery. 

What we are learning in Term 6

What we are learning in Term 5

Term 5

Should we re-write history?


This Term we will be travelling back in time to the Ancient Egyptian era. We will delve into Ancient Egyptian beliefs including mummification, the after life, pyramids and gods and goddesses. We will also the explore the significance of the River Nile to the Ancient Egyptians. 

Term 4

Is Conservation a good thing?

This term’s topic presents the opportunity for the children to consider whether conservation is always a good thing or whether it can have a negative impact for some. The children are becoming quite the experts at evaluating different points of view and enjoy unpicking evidence and facts that we present to challenge and deepen their opinions.


Our term got off to a fabulous start with a great trip to the Cotswold Wildlife Park. The weather didn’t dampen our spirits as we enjoyed exploring the wildlife park and learning about some of the conservation initiatives that they have successfully started to protect some endangered animals.

What we are learning in Term 4

Litter Picking


Here is all the important information that you need to know for the upcoming term but if there is anything you need clarification on, please come and speak to us. 

  • School gates open at 8:30
  • School finishes at 3pm
  • KS2 Gold Book Assembly is on a Tuesday at 2:30pm. 


Dates to remember:

19th April - Pre loved uniform sale

24th April - Year 3/4 Tag Rugby Tournament (selected children only)

1st May - Bags2School collection - More information to be sent out. 

3rd May - PTA Cake sale

6th May - Bank Holiday (school closed)

24th May - Term ends at 3pm


4th June - Term 6 begins

13th June - KS2 Sports Day (Years 3, 4, 5 and 6) 9-11:30am.

23rd July  - Term ends at 1pm.



PE is on a Tuesday (This may be outside so please ensure the appropriate clothes for the weather). 



Homework is set on a Friday and is checked the following Friday. Homework consists of:


  • Reading - Children need to read 5 times a week and record this in their reading record. Please encourage your child to write the date that they read, what page they are on and a brief comment about what they have read.


  • Spelling practice of eight words each week. These words come from the statutory words for Year 4 as well as a selection of KS1 common exception words. These words will be tested on Fridays. 


  • TTRS - Children are expected to complete 15 minutes of TTRS a week. This is set weekly and is scheduled  to begin every Friday. We always have sheets available for those that are unable to access TTRS online. 


Multiplication Check:

In the Summer Term, the children in Year 4 will complete the Multiplication Check. This check is an online test where the pupils are asked 25 questions on the times tables up to 12 x 12. For each question, the children are given 6 seconds to answer. We are very proud of the progress the children have made with their times tables so far and are keen to continue to support them to learn all of their times tables before the Summer Term. We have linked some websites below that the children can go on at home to help them practice their fluency in times tables. 
