As our world continues to move ever forwards, so too does our need to understand and interact with the technology that surrounds us in our daily life. At Willowcroft, we believe that children are never too young to begin learning how to use technology in a safe and appropriate manner. Our aim is to ensure that all children gain the skills and knowledge necessary to keep them safe online or whenever they use the technology that continues to have a deepening effect on our lives.
From the time they begin at Willowcroft, children will start using a range of technologies (appropriate to their age) within supervised or controlled situations, so that they may build a depth of knowledge in the computing subject. Over time, this is built upon as children move through the school, by gradually introducing them to a wider range of (and to more complex) technologies. By Year 6, children will be regularly using technology in school as part of their daily routine, as well as having gained experience using a wide range of technology and programs.
A full understanding of the computing subject requires not just a depth of knowledge of different technologies and implementations of such, but also the skills needed to apply their understanding to new situations. Children are taught a wide range of computing skills and how to apply them to their own lives, including how to think critically about real-life situations relating to their use of technology. This begins with modelling effective and safe use of technology for the youngest children, moving gradually up to practical examples and usage of real-world computing issues, using a range of software.
LEAP Curriculum - Implementation
| Communication forms one of the two main pillars of computing: understanding how to interact with others using technology is one of the most fundamental aspects of the subject and of our school’s computing aims.
Just as we aim to provide children with the skills to communicate through spoken and written language, we also guide children in how to communicate through electronic means. As they get older, children practise interacting with each other through small, closed networks as well as with a wider range of people over larger, more open networks, under supervision. Children are not just taught how to communicate, but when and where to do so as an aspect of e-safety. Many of our older children use instant messaging or social media at home and we also focus on ensuring their interactions are appropriate in that environment.
We also provide children with an understanding of the wealth of knowledge available through the internet. Children are taught how to find information from a range of sources and in the form of different media. We aim to give children a love of knowledge and learning at Willowcroft; our computing curriculum seeks to show children how they can access the bounty of information available through the internet.
| Computing has been at the forefront of modern innovation for some time now and continues to be a source for creativity and the new experiences that come with it. We aim to provide children with a wealth of new experiences available in computing by continually introducing them to new programs, websites and ways of doing things. We also seek to show them new or more innovative ways of experiencing what they are already familiar with through variation in the media used for presenting information, activities and for communication. We seek to keep children interested through a continuous cycle of change, so that they never become entrenched in the use of any one process.
| Each of the four amethysts has a place within the computing curriculum and these ideals form a core aspect of how computing is taught at Willowcroft.
Resourcefulness is a core principle of the primary computing curriculum, with children creating their own electronic media on a regular basis through a variety of different programs or tools. Children are encouraged to be creative and draw from the wider curriculum, making full use of what they have learnt in order to craft programs, presentations, documents and interactive forms of media, such as games.
Reflectiveness is also a fundamental aspect of computing, being vital to the improvement of children's creations in their computing lessons. At Willowcroft, children are taught a critical sense, so that they might alter their designs and make adjustments throughout the creation process.
Resilience is learned both in our coding modules and in e-safety, which are the two main topics covered in computing and have dedicated modules in each year. In coding, children learn how their code can often behave in unanticipated ways and are taught how to cope when this occurs. Children are also taught resilience for when they are faced with challenging situations online or through online interactions, such as inappropriate communication or other instances. As children become more technologically minded and use technology ever more in their own lives, it is increasingly important that they are able to handle negative online situations independently (seeking out support as necessary), which is why so much of our computing curriculum is focused on teaching children how to deal with these incidences in an effective and safe manner.
Reciprocity is primarily taught through our interactions with others online, where the children are taught how to communicate in an appropriate manner with others and ensure that they are acting in the considerate and kind manner that we expect at Willowcroft.
Power to change the world
| Modern computing allows us to reach a global audience and affect change on a global level. We aim to give children an understanding of just how far their actions can reach through the use of computing and a perspective to match; we show children the impact that computing can have on others and the change that it can affect across the world.
We also show children the impact they can have on others in the community through our Digital Leaders initiative, wherein children from KS2 seek to inform and help others in the school in regards to staying safe online. |