Welcome to Puffins Class
Puffins Class is an Enhanced Provision that has been running since April 2020. Puffins supports children with EHCP's in a smaller quieter classroom allowing every child to fulfil their potential. Mrs Williams is the main Classroom Teacher and is Supported by Miss Broadhurst. Mrs Adams teaches the Puffins when Mrs Williams is teaching jn Ducklings. Mrs Hussey teaches the class on a Thursday afternoon.
Communication between school and home is important and valued. If you need to let me know anything you can tell me at drop-off and pick-up times, send a message via ClassDojo or email the office and they will pass the email onto me. Please allow 48 hours for me to respond to emails.
For all urgent messages or enquiries please call the school office on 01235 813304.
Important information:
School starts at 8.40 a.m. (the doors are open from 8.30 a.m.)
From this September, school ends at 3.10 p.m.
Drop-off and pick-up are from the classroom door.
Dates for the diary:
Next up: Meet the Teacher Wednesday 11th September.
- Thursday 24th October - Halloween Disco
- Friday 25th October - Non Uniform Day
- Friday 25th October - Term ends
- Tuesday 5th November - Term 2 begins
- Wednesday 20th November and Thursday 21st November - Parents Evening
- Friday 29th November - Christmas Fair
- Tuesday 3rd December - Pantomime Trip
- Friday 20th December - Break up for Christmas