Foxes Class
Teachers - Mrs Peacock and Mrs Carey
Teaching Assistant - Mr Pavely
The over-arching question for Year 3 is:
How have human lives changed and developed over time?
Curriculum Snapshot
Term 3
Happy New Year!
Welcome back! We cannot believe it is now Term 3. This term we will be learning all about 'The Celts'
In Maths we will be continuing to look at Multiplication and Division.
PE will change to Monday's. Please ensure your child is wearing Willowcroft PE kit but with warm layers, e.g. tracksuit bottoms and school jumper.
Term 2
Hello and welcome back! We hope you have all had a lovely half-term break and are ready for another busy term!
This term in Topic we will be looking at: How have celebrations changed over time? Each week we will be focussing upon a different celebration from around the world.
In Maths we will be continuing our unit on Addition and Subtraction and will then move onto Multiplication and Division.
PE will continue to be on Tuesday afternoons. Please remember to wear full Willowcroft PE to school.
Just a reminder that children in KS2 now need to bring a healthy snack for breaktime to school such as fruit or vegetable sticks.
Important Dates:
Tuesday 5th November- Nasal Flu Spray
Wednesday 20th November - Parents Evening (online)
Thursday 21st November - Parents Evening (in person)
Friday 29th November - Christmas Fair
Tuesday 3rd December - Pantomime Trip
Friday 20th December - Break up for Christmas. 1pm Finish.
Welcome to Year 3. We are so excited and ready for a busy year ahead!
Here is all the information that you will need to know for the upcoming year but if there is anything you need clarification on, please come and speak to us.
- School gates open at 8.30 a.m.
- School finishes at 3.10 p.m.
- KS2 Gold Book Assembly is on a Tuesday afternoon.
P.E. will be on Tuesday afternoons. Please wear Willowcroft PE kit to school.
In Year 3 we learn to play the recorder! We have lessons each week with Mrs Robertson from Oxfordshire County Music Service.
Children in Year 3 will now need to bring their own snack to school. This needs to be healthy such as a piece of fruit or vegetables.
Important Dates:
Wednesday 11th September- Meet the Teacher (after school)
Thursday 24th October - Halloween Disco
Friday 25th October - Non-uniform Day
Wednesday 20th November and Thursday 21st November -Parents Evening
Friday 29th November - Christmas Fair
Tuesday 3rd December - Pantomime Trip
Friday 20th December - Break up for Christmas 1pm finish